Bettler*ette - no money; no art .


Art derives its value from external factors: where it is exhibited, how it is marketed, who sees it, and - last but not least - how much sweet, sweet money it attracts. But what to do when there is no money left? In these pandemic times - and this is perhaps only the beginning of the evil - it's not just money that art is lacking. All that is left are characters themselves, with nobody to bring them to life. So we'll have to get inventive.

It’s a good thing, then, that Berlin contemporary opera collective tutti d*amore has specialized in „the illusion of theatre without means“ since its inception, and that’s exactly why, now, it's making itself heard with Jacques Offenbach's beggars operetta "The Two Blind Men" (Les deux aveugles).

Finally! Now that everyone else - except the Salzburg Festival - has plunged into the digital world, the time of tutti d*amore has come: this will be the year of street theatre, jugglers' songs and touring opera at the 2020 fair. Make way for tutti d*amore!

Duration: 35 min

Caroline Schnitzer
Ferdinand Keller
Stella Lennert
Amanda Martikainen

Häuptling Abendwind

Häuptling Abendwind

Häuptling Abendwind

© Matthias Pfänder